Monday, March 7, 2011


In The Godfather the author, Mario Puzo, uses a variety of sentence structure to
convey his style. The author’s style, like previously mentioned, is serious, bland and
almost blunt. Puzo’s use of short and choppy sentences help to convey a blunt style.
            For example when the author is describing a moment between Johnny and Tom
Hagen he says, “Hagen never made any excuses for his actions. He could not” (167). The
short sentences prove that the author is being blunt. He speaks from a third person point
of view and this shows his non-bias and serious tone and style.
            Syntax in this novel not only show the author’s style but also show the author’s
violent tone. When Paulie Gatto and two “big men” are called upon by the godfather to
do a job (beating Kevin Moonan and Wagner). This brutal scene is described as “beating
Moonan to jelly…each blow landed with a splat of flesh splitting open” (65).  This use of
imagery not only helps the reader picture the beating but also this is an example of
sentence structure, syntax, helping to prove the authors violent tone. 
            Profanity and vulgarity is also used in this novel to help the author create a violent
tone. When Michael and Sonny start to bicker about how Michael wanted to hurt the cops
who verbally assaulted him Sonny begins to laugh at him. Sonny thinks that Michael is
being ridiculous and childish. Michael says, “Don’t you think I can do it, you son of a
b****” (134). This author’s choice to incorporate profanity into the sentences of the
novel depict the vulgar and violent tone of the book. 

1 comment:

  1. Though a bit repetitive in overall wording, your analysis was complete and insightful. I agree with you on all of your given examples, especially the points referencing the violent tone within "The Godfather". The profanity and vivid, often gory imagery within the novel absolutely serve to intimidate the reader as well as convey the violent tone.
